Contact Us
Get in touch with our friendly, helpful team:
Studio on the Square, Rear courtyard (entry through Square Edge or at the end of Jersey Lane), ‘Square Edge Community Arts Centre’ building, 47 The Square, Palmerston North, 4410. PO Box 1478
Obtaining an Arts Manawatu site listing
Please use the following format for both new registrations and to update existing details or photos.
- Artist/business/organisation name:
- Profile bio:
(Max. of 100 words for artist members, 250 words for business/organisation members. )
- Website/social media URL:
- 'phone:
- Mobile:
- email:
- Address:
- Arts Manawatu may share my artwork in their social media: YES/NO
Arts Manawatu hosts a social media account on Facebook, and to increase exposure regularly features credited work from our artists.
- Artwork
All images, including your profile photo and your gallery images, should be sent as email attachments, in .webp, .jpg or .png format, and with a width of >500px.
Images should not be embedded in a document, such as a .docx.
Your feature photo must be at a width of >1000 pixels.
All images should be identified by a brief description, or if an artwork, by title, size, and medium used.
- Please ensure any text is formatted, spelt and punctuated exactly as it is to be posted.
- email your information and images directly to Arts Manawatu
- A service fee of $50 is charged for updating member information or images except at membership renewal.
- The bank account for registration payments is 38 - 9018 - 0039916 - 00. Please include your full name as a reference.